
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tips and Tricks:Do You Like Fun Organizing Tips?

 We all would love to have a beautifully organized home, wouldn't we? Sometimes it seems overwhelming, I know.  But if we take baby steps, meaning, one room at a time or one closet at a time it isn't so bad.  What kind of feeling do you get after you've organized a area or space? It's a very good feeling.  During your reorganizing you may even find things you thought were lost forever. That's one of the perks!  Below are some really great ideas for organizing different parts of your home.....Then let's get started!

How about a bin exclusively for snacks....not just for the kids but for the grown-ups too? My daughter and I had a baking day you wouldn't believe a few days ago. 8 loaves of bread, two different batches of muffins, 3 batches of homemade graham crackers and 4 batches of a delicious granola bar I had posted earlier on my facebook page.  She took these yummy things home and packaged them individually for a easy grab in the morning for school lunches! It's a good idea.  SOURCE

If you love cooking with spices and have quite a few of them, then this one is for you.  I love how she glued a piece of metal on the inside of her cabinet door and filled up these metal containers with the spices. It freed up a entire shelf!  She did more organizing of the cupboard that I know you'll want to read about.  SOURCE

 I love having all the batteries in one place and this case is a very good idea. Click here to see where they got it and get all your batteries in one place. If you have them together it is easy to see when you need to buy more.  SOURCE

Do you do the laundry in your home? You're going to  want to read this woman's story about how a NEW laundry system changed her life.  I think it bears trying. It couldn't hurt!   SOURCE

DIY earring holder! I've never been able to find an earring holder that could handle my huge collection of earrings, so I made this! $10 cork bulletin board from Walmart, paper clips, and push-pins! This sits on my dresser next to my mirror. You could even paint the frame or put fabric over the cork for a colorful background! SOURCE-Caitlin Stegeman

 Clever Cookie Cutter Storage-Use a paper towel holder to store them-They won't get bent or lost in a drawer SOURCE

How to have a Clean House in only 15 to 20 minutes a day! It can be done. Find out  HERE

 It's a dresser, no it's a child's library, no, it's both!  See how it's done! SOURCE

 Now how to "organize" or place your photos on the wall.  This is such a clever idea-just use a curtain rod or an decorative iron rod and tie the photos on with a ribbon.  Incidentally, the instructions for building this beautiful table are on the blog SOURCE

I've always loved the look of barn doors for doors in a home. With these painted a bright orange it makes quite a statement. Use them in any part of the house, bedroom, closet or laundry room as shown or just as a room divider. Check out this blog to see more photos using barn doors.  SOURCE

 Now that you've done some organizing and beautifying around your home REWARD yourself with this yummy looking Macaroon cookie with a delicious Hershey Kiss on top!  SOURCE & RECIPE


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  1. Hey - thanks for the feature! I'm schocked that you hvae no comments here because I've had 24 views on my blog today from this feature! I sure appreciate it!

  2. Thanks for putting all these helpful hints in one spot!! I am going to try the detangling spray for dolls!! With 4 girls I have lots of Barbies that I finally just put a messy bun as their hair do!!

  3. I love all of these ideas. Thank you for putting them all in one place.

  4. Thanks for telling your readers about me...I keep finding them coming from you to me! They must be good ones!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks for the tips. They are very useful and handy

  6. They look pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. Please put more pics

  7. Love the doll hairspray! I have Home Daycare and a huge bin of Barbies that are going to get your treatment. Thank you!!!

  8. Could you, please, write about "fixing" dolls' hair? the original source doesn't exist anymore ((

    1. I believe they said to use hair conditioner on the doll. Here's another link that only uses hot water.

    2. Its 2 tbsp. Fabric softener and the rest warm water filling up a mini travel size spray bottle. You can make a bigger batch with more softener if you have a larger bottle.

  9. It is 2 tablespoons of fabric softener and tge rest warm water filling up a small spray bottle (travel mini size)

  10. Just found your Blog - love it! Thanks for the organizing and cleaning tips - LOVE the barn doors!

  11. Thank you for sharing, I love it.
