
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{Back to School}More Lunch Ideas for Kids-Phineas & Ferb Disney

More cute ideas for the kids lunches have been found. As I've said before.....if you make food fun, the kids will eat it!

 Isn't this a clever way to make fruit fun for kids! 
(Can't give credit for photo, couldn't find source)

 How about a Dole Pineapple Whip from Disneyland? Excellent treat and another way to eat fruit. (plus other stuff)  Make it a special treat!  (plus other stuff)  RECIPE

If your kids are Harry Potter Fans wouldn't they love these sandwiches? SOURCE

Find this cute turkey on the Cute food for Kids web site

It's an Ice Cream cone....It's a waffle...What is it?  It's a grilled cheese sandwich and bananas?  Find out how it's done by going to Kitchen Fun

 Get your kids to eat their fruit with this fun turkey, Okay the marshmallow tail isn't a fruit but oh well..... Find it Here

 With an added prop the orange looks so cute SOURCE

Love this one! SOURCE

Such a cute treat-Get them to eat their apples in a fun way SOURCE 

What a great idea from Almost Unschoolers Blog 

 Love the fish-Looks easy  See it Here

It's Ferb!  For your Disney fan's this one is a must!  see it Here

Who does this look like? It's Isabella from Phineas and Ferb.
So cute! Find it  Here

Let's not forget Perry!  How darling is this one!  Find him Here

Here's a larger version of Perry the Platypus. Find him Here

Here's Phineas.  So daring and just the right size for little ones lunch. find this sandwich Here

 Love this version too.  It can be found Here

 The evil Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz is a fun sandwich. Looks just like him.  Find it Here

If this looks like a lot of work in the morning try cutting it at night and then assembling it in the morning.  If you need something more simple check out our other post with more lunch ideas. The link is Here.  

To see lots of fun things for the kids, back to school and Teacher Appreciation Click HERE

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